
Monday, May 11, 2015

DIY Bath Salts (Soothing and Energizing)

Hello again!  Fawnda, here from Fireflies and Jellybeans to share another fun Jar project with you!  This time we are making bath salts... so easy and they make such a great gift!  These are going to my kids teachers at the end of the year and I also made some extra to give to some new moms.  These are great for giving to new moms since they help with healing.  I love to keep them on hand and bring it over when I drop off a meal for the new baby's family. 

We are making 2 kinds today... both a super easy!  

Soothing Bath Salts
1. Gather your supplies: Bowl, Epsom salt (found at a drug store), Sea Salt (found at a grocery store) and lavender essential oil (I got this one from Bath and Body Works but there are every where including Amazon).
2. Mix 2 cups epsom salt, 1 cup sea salt.  add your drops of the essential oil.  The amount is up to how strong you want the smell to be.  Start off with 3-4 drops and mix, smell add more if you want. 
 3. Spoon in your salts into a jar.  I also cut out a piece of scrap paper to go on the top as a label... just trace the cover for the size.

1 batch makes 3 half quart jars. 

Energizing Bath Salts:
1. Gather supplies: Bowl, Bowl, Epsom salt (found at a drug store), Sea Salt (found at a grocery store)  fresh lemon, lemon/lime juice
2. Mix together 2 cups Epsom salt, 1 cup of sea salts, zest from the lemon, juice from the lemon and just from a lime.  Again this is to your smell taste.  Add a little just at time, mix, smell add more if needed.  
3. Spoon in your salts into a jar.  I also cut out a piece of scrap paper to go on the top as a label... just trace the cover for the size. 

1 batch makes 3 half quart jars

I hope you enjoyed this project and see you next month! 


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