
Thursday, September 26, 2013

15 Pumpkins from Jar Lids

I am sure by now you have all seen the mason jar lid pumpkins floating around Pinterest.  I wanted to do a whole post dedicated to them because it is a fabulous idea and it is quick and easy!  It doesn't get much better than that.
I want to start by crediting the original canning jar lid pumpkin by Yellow Bliss Road (great idea girl!).  The rest of the ideas below are based on the original but with slight alterations.
Okay so maybe not all 15 ideas are pumpkins but add these fun canning ring crafts to your fall to do list as well:
Who is going to dig up their canning jar bands and make some crafts tonight?



  1. Thanks for the shout out! I love the one actually made from the jar lid, not the band.

  2. Thanks for including my pumpkin! I love your round ups!
    Michelle @


Love jars as much as I do? Leave a comment!